Private Villa Garden

Project Name

Private Villa Garden



Design by

Smart Interiors Light

Project Overview

The Private Villa Garden showcases an innovative and functional landscape design by Smart Interiors Light. The garden is thoughtfully divided into distinct squares, each serving a specific purpose:

– Seating Area Square

– Barbecue Square

– Playground Square

These squares are interconnected by pathways:

– Main Path: Leads to the seating area square.

– Side Path: Leads to the playground square.

The design concept draws inspiration from the landscape architect’s layout, featuring circular planting beds. Accordingly, circular lighting fixtures were chosen to highlight these areas. When viewed from the roof, the circular lighting accentuates the planting beds, creating a cohesive and visually appealing design.

All lighting products were sourced from a local Kuwaiti company and boast an IP rating of 67, making them resistant to dust and water. The path lights are encased in cement bases, and raised between 10 to 20 cm, ensuring water resistance.

Client preferences were meticulously considered, emphasizing non-intrusive lighting. To fulfill this request, anti-glare, and indirect lighting were installed to ensure eye comfort. This subtle lighting was strategically placed in various corners of the garden. Additionally, anti-glare spotlights were used to illuminate the plants and palm trees, enhancing the natural beauty of the garden.

The planting beds were adorned with embedded lighting—both diffused and directed—highlighting the diverse plant species and enhancing the garden’s aesthetic appeal.

The Private Villa Garden stands as a testament to Smart Interiors Light’s expertise in creating bespoke lighting solutions that transform outdoor living spaces. This project highlights the company’s ability to tailor lighting design to meet specific client requirements while maintaining high standards of quality and innovation.